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Clancy & Albert

When Clancy and Albert first met, it was a hot day. Probably, it wasn't the hottest day of the year, but a very hot day.


The road was being rolled by cars, vans and lorries. One cloud was prowling around the landscape, because the site was needing a point up in the sky where the eyes found the hope of a shadow to cope so intense heat. The raven was croaking as featuring of “The buzzes and the rattles insect band”, which were playing a live show along the miles of wide desert beside the road. Meanwhile, the trickster sun was going building mirages to have fun and to laugh as it was going deceiving the wandering walker. A regular day around there was like this, although just a little handful of people could say it's true.


Albert was driving alone his car. Clancy was doing hitchhike near the highway.


Albert drove his car to the ditch and did stop. He was instinctively leaded by the sight of that beautiful brunette woman who was standing there dressed in shorts, a squared shirt tied at the belly and cowboy boots. He knew that place was not where a human being who need help could endure for a long time; even less a woman bearing a small suitcase, no water, no hat, and at the hottest hour of the day. 


 - Thanks for stopping! I believed I would die here if nobody stopped soon. -  


 - I can lift you until Phoenix. -  


 - It's fine, great! Thank you!  - 


Clancy was going to L.A. to become a movie star. She had grown in some point of the map between Dallas and Phoenix, and she was dreaming to act in movies since she was a child. She was always a very funny girl. She had worked in her town as shopping attendant and waitress almost since she finished in the high school. But she had had enough of it, and she had decided leave home behind and go out to looking for her dream in Hollywood, in spite of she had never acted as a professional actress.


Albert, who had never been known specially by his charm or grace, thought that if someone would want to be an actor, it must be at least as she was. In addition, he didn't know a thing about how one becomes an actor, but he thought she seemed a special girl who could get it, if she was clever enough to find the right path; because if there was a thing Albert knew about Hollywood, that was that it must be a not too much welcoming place, and perhaps even more dangerous than the very desert.


 - What is your job? - Clancy asked when she realized she had been talking for a long while.


 - I own a little business of office products. It's not a big deal but it's all I have and pay the bills with.


Albert was not like that kind of men who enjoy speaking about themselves. However, at that moment his words were finding no obstacle before questions and reactions from Clancy. Thus, it could be said that it was Albert's first time he was allowing a stranger to get know him so openly, and furthermore, he even dared to ask a question for Clancy.


 - How old are you? - He asked, defeated by a big dialectical fluency which made overflow his words.


Clancy was 21 years old; 15 years younger than Albert.


The couple matched quite well, they both spoke about a lot of topics and made jokes each other, which was quite an event from Albert's side, very suitable to have fun. So, the distance between them was going reducing, at the same time the distance to reach their destiny was also going reducing.


Albert was starting to feel a strange feeling inside his stomach. It was the idea of to say goodbye Clancy and surely see her never again. He liked Clancy. He had seen through her, an extraordinary woman with an attitude for living which had made him recover an old eagerness that had been switched off within him, not realizing about it. He was captivated by her smile, by the sound of her guffaws, by the bright of her eyes and the waved shape of her long dark hair. He was able to recognize Clancy's way of express her hopes as his own, and that made him remember that once he had had dreams too. Then, at that moment, Clancy's joy finished transmitting itself completely to Albert.


 - Why don't you stay in my house tonight? Surely, it will be quite good for you to save the money for a room. - Albert asked fearing if Clancy's eyes would look at him as to a perverted maniac. But they didn't, besides, instead of it they looked at him as if she would be waiting for the offer.


Clancy recognized Albert as an adult person; a solid foundations man who had built his life on themselves. He was at the opposite point from all men she had known in her small town; a list of drunkards, rough and dirty men. It isn't that there had not good men, but simply, she had known none of them. She liked Albert and she wanted to stay with him more time. So, she accepted his offer and the sun's bright turned to that burning color which signs he's going to hide soon.


After that hot day, the warm night arrived, and with it, Human's relationships too. Wherever is a bar, for instance, it will be crowded of people wanting to know the stuff from the neighbor or tell their own stuff to the neighbor. Apparently, nothing wrong, although as everything, it may turn to complicated as well; sometimes it caused by incompatibility, other times by entire foolishness. It all among another things, of course. Luckily, for Clancy and Albert, their relationship was good since the very first moment, and it kept improving and improving, once inside Albert's house.


After a cold shower Clancy felt more comfortable and showed herself relaxed, bringing her body along the house wrapped only with a towel which let see her beautiful legs almost from her upper-thigh, and her shoulders naked. Albert wasn't able to remember the last woman who had walked around his house that way, and he felt a mixture of thrills inside. First, he felt shyness. Next, he felt excitement. Later, he felt unease, and at last he felt fear. Fear of fall in love with Clancy, and his lonely heart were shattered when they separate. Then, he came into the shower and with cold water he wanted to quit from his mind all those uncomfortable feelings.


An image of Clancy's beautiful body with its skin and hair completely wet was filling Albert's sight despite he remained closed eyes in the shower. He was going checking, inch by inch, her body with his imagination, while the water was tempering the heat that was rising on his mind, it provoking him a perturbing pleasure. But, all in all, his mind never could give him so much pleasure as when he heard the door open, and Clancy came into the shower and she held him from his back.


The water was flowing over their bodies and they kissed. Albert's cock grew and went hardening, it claiming attention from Clancy as sole owner of itself. Truly, Albert could be a reticent man, even a shy man; furthermore, it could be said that he was a lonesome man. But he had a huge cock as well, and it was gaining its best size for surprise of Clancy who didn't expect to find such a monster piece of meat there. She started stroking it and feeling that huge barracuda growing unstoppable in her hands; she could grab it with two hands and still didn't cover even a half. That was the biggest Albert's secret and though for most of men it would be a reason to be proud of, for Albert it was the reason of his shyness.


Albert turned off the water and took Clancy in his arms. They went out of the bathroom and came into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and he laid himself beside her. They both were still wet; the drops from their bodies dried unavoidably by the contact with the room's air, meanwhile, they were enjoying the feeling caused by that wetness, which was going slowly dissolving from their moving-skin-to-skin bodies.


Kisses went arriving passionately as their hands was toiling to find the most pleasant place for the other. Clancy thought she had already found hers, when she met again with Albert's giant sex limb. The small elephant trunk sized 10'2 inches by 2'4 inches and although she was a bit worried about its size, she was feeling horny having it between her hands.


She was trying to manage it hiding her fear and amazement, since she didn't want to create an awkward situation; after all, that was only a cock and she had never had a trouble with one. Besides, she trusted in Albert, because he not seemed from that kind of men who like hurting women. Then, she adventured, and leaving behind all fears, her truly enjoyment did start.


They were two in that bed, but Clancy was feeling they were three. During kisses, she was home to the doubt about if she could put entirely in her mouth the little fella that Albert carried hidden between his legs; and as the movement just can be demonstrated through moving, kiss by kiss, she travelled a path at Albert's body, until reaching the area dominated by that sort of Big-ben made of flesh; and after studying it thoroughly, she swallowed it.


She barely could take it down beyond its head, and she was needing to open her mouth very widely. She had all the muscles of her face stretched and tense with that block of flesh inside, and for a second, the idea of her jaw dislocated seemed her sadistically funny. Clancy had never seen before something like that; and like almost everything in life comes being about get the trick of the thing, she went catching the trick for that mass of meat and she went improving her technique, it getting their pleasure went also increasing for they both.


She sucked and licked his huge cock, from the base to the top. She went pushing strongly her tongue along his dick to lubricate it with her spit, and after a few travels done, she dragged it deeply inside her mouth. This way, the room's atmosphere was filled with moans that Clancy sounded among her gags, each time she achieved put it in the last edge of her throat.


Sturdy and proud, the quirky piece of roll-flesh was showing off its most vigorous shape. From below it, Clancy was looking up and she felt vulnerable. However, she liked watching her own size apparently reduced beside that great no-limb warrior, and so, she went on with her amazing blowjob for the Albert's profuse pecker.


Albert's thoughts were about happiness, one's goodness for the neighbor, Clancy softness' tongue, the shape of her beautiful breast, her ass, her pussy, her legs which now was laying together and slightly blended over the bed in a posture that was giving prominence to Clancy's sexy shape; her hair, her eyes, the sound of her moans and the desire of take her, and taste the flavor of her femininity. Then, he removed softly his cock from her mouth and he leaded her to lay down face up, by using no words.


Clancy had enjoyed sucking that warm-skinned baseball bat, although she felt now a tingle in her jaw because of the great effort that she had done to put it wholly inside her mouth. The time to be attended by Albert's cares had begun, and a shiver ran up her body when his fingers spread out the delicate small curtains which defined her pussy and he pushed his tongue to the inside of her sweet slit, it causing her to groan by pleasure.


Albert started digging with his tongue in her body with naughty swirls, it making Clancy feel good, as if he had burden off a ton from her shoulders.


He was enjoying her intimate juice which seemed to him it has a yummy spicy meat flavor, like a fresh just-cut and barbecued beef steak, rare and with a good amount of ketchup. He was licking it from down to up, by one of the two walls of tender flesh and then by the other; later by inside and also by outside. He sucked and kissed eagerly her clit. So, until Clancy's body began to tremble as she reached her first orgasm. She screamed by pleasure and lost the control of her body, which undone itself in a blast of energy whose epicenter occurred in her nice little magic bean.


They both fused in an embrace and felt time slowed down. They looked each other eyes and they went on touching their bodies as they kissed. They were struggling to bring their tongues deep in the other's mouth, and both, one to each other were throwing warm groans and sounds of their lips joining together.


Albert connected his gaze with Clancy's and they both stayed in that position for a minute. Albert's cock was harder and bigger than never. Clancy's pussy had not stopped to beat and to make flow its warm and syrupy lube. Albert knew by past experiences that it could be hard to insert for the first time the fat baton that he had between her legs. He knew that it was necessary the whole confidence by the woman who was going to receive it. She couldn't feel fear because it would tense her, it causing a certain grade of pain and perhaps make the penetration unbearable for his pair.


They went on staring each other saying no words. Clancy was laid face up and he was by her side circling softly with his fingers' tips her breast, her belly, her pubis and sometimes her hair and her face. Albert was wanting to give her that required confidence to be able to let come in her body with no pain, that little troglodyte who was on the search for a warm and comfortable cave where to stay.


Clancy had always considered herself a bold woman, but she had never been in a situation like that. She was excited, her crotch was soaked and she was still quivering after Albert had drunk, sip by sip, her sex, it bringing her to orgasm. She wanted to give him more. She wanted to satisfy Albert, because she liked him and he had been very generous with her. Then, Clancy spread widely her legs announcing she was definitely ready for it.


Albert took the right position to set his great dick in front of Clancy's wet pink entrance. He went pushing softly his pelvis against hers; sweetly, he was coming his foreskin in, and then the rest of it, as Clancy was throwing melting groans that conveyed her absolute conviction of being strong enough for it. 


Albert's monster cock started railroading in and out inside that tight pussy. He departed from zero increasing the pace of beats as Clancy's wet flesh crown went increasing their dilation. Neither the grindstone which keeps receiving the energy from the river's flow, leaves one grain not ground, nor a couple of lovers which are giving cares and attentions each other stay without their delighting fuck; so, one minute later, they both were dancing avidly the favorite song of cupid and Aphrodite in its highest expression of love.


Clancy's pussy, which in the beginning seemed to result too much narrow, was giving a perfect size for that huge piston that didn't stop working. She was enjoying the way she was being rammed by it. Her moans were being sweet and deep; she was receiving such pleasure that she was barely keeping her eyelids open, since every tension from her face as from the rest of her beautiful body had vanished. Clancy was awake but she was experiencing a good feeling like in a nice dream, and almost in a trance state, she was boosting the pleasant beats into her pussy by moving her hips.


The dance went on producing great moments which went feeding the stock of good memories for they both. The sweat from their skins, the heat of their bodies, the efforts, the caress, the kisses and the embraces, the smallest and the biggest gestures. All straight on, no remedy, to the little box of their minds dedicated to save experiences.


Albert was enjoying that position. He was thrusting his big log deeply as he was delighting the feeling of having it completely covered by Clancy's juicy flesh. The strokes were steady but delicate at the same time, because in spite of the cock's size had lost its dramatic weight for Clancy, and all what had been worry inside her, now it was straight desire for more, Albert didn't want to elude the self-imposed responsibility of not harm his couple with his cock. Maybe, that was a feature that he had received when it was the hour of delivering the gifts, as a condition to receive his, or maybe because he was simply a sweet man for sex and he did not believe in pleasure through pain as a counterpoint of it he had between his legs.


And so and with that, they both was having fun. So much that even the bed over where they were fucking, started to express its happiness making arise a kind of weird metal symphonic sounds, like they were sounded by an out of tune instrument, played by a scantily rehearsed player being drunk in a party.


However, meanwhile Albert was keeping the slow pace of digging from his little helmeted miner, who was extracting one by one their lewd moans. Clancy's curiosity had no rest and she started to light up an idea of unleash the passion which still remained leashed between them, and which was bidding to become boredom. Clancy thought that she had dilated enough her trench even for more than this; she was blaming Albert for nothing, actually, she adored his manners to her. Then, she wanted a little more of fuel inside her main engine just for doing harder.


Albert's big captain had been engulfed by Clancy's sex, who had overcome a true mind exercise of self-control, and like a young and rebel kung-fu monk who just learned to break bricks and he is longing to make exhibitions to show the new skill; when Clancy realized she had that power, she wanted badly to use it completely for their leisure. Then, she jumped and set Albert face up his back on the bed, she grabbed his gorgeous mainmast and did it come in nimbly into her beautiful slit, it leaving Albert open-mouthed and breathless, although enjoying.


By this way, penetration became wild. Clancy was out of control. She was galloping making her pussy travel the whole Albert's super shaft, in a leaving-and-picking-up the trace of the juice that Clancy's pussy was releasing in Albert's cock in each one of the very beats. Now, they both was having really fun. They both were being straightly dragged to the climax, they leaded by Clancy.


Like the Amazon queen, who rode her flying dragon to escape from the enemy, leaving back a hostile land by dodging every obstacle, tearing down the walls, passing through the flames, veering sharply to one side, veering sharply to the other side, speeding up, slowing down, going up and going down when it was required, until reach the peak of the magic mountain where the wounds shall be healed by the Wise's power. They were, although being fair with reality, I would have to say Clancy was, who was able to surpass all the difficulties, to get an extraordinary orgasm on the back of that legendary monster cock. Her moans, screams and a great liquid stream from her pussy were good proof of it.


Pleasure arrived a few later for Albert. It was when Clancy could finally dismount him and drew her mouth to the tip of his giant tail. A blast of cum crafted a shiny mantle of white nectar in her face, and he enjoyed all that mess done in its liquid form. Clancy's tongue went over and over by all the places where it was a bigger amount of it, both in her mouth's edge and around the Albert's cock as well, to lick it all. She was delighting its sweet taste with, it resulting for her the best end for that amazing fuck, as Albert came back radiant from the paradise of his ecstasy.


Almost no more than this happened that night. The hours on the road and that wild fuck made Clancy and Albert fallen asleep quickly, they both naked one beside the other. She realized Albert snored and he that Clancy asleep was even more lovely. They both dreamt one about the other and were happy finding themselves near each other, each time they awoke.


The next morning the first thing Albert saw was half Clancy's body inside the wardrobe.


 - What are you doing? - He asked her from the bed as he was watching content her naked body.


 - Excuse me! I didn't want to bother you, but my phone ran out of battery and I was looking for a cable to recharge it. - Clancy answered.


They had breakfast together and talked about Clancy's plans to reach L.A. Albert had an idea, and thought he could visit some customers he had in the coast, so he could lift Clancy too. But she didn't want to, because disrupting Albert's schedule upset her, and she refused the idea. However, Albert found unexpectedly the right words to change her mind.


They fucked again that morning, and so, they sealed the beginning of a friendship which is still working nowadays despite living in states which are miles away one from the other.


They are a great couple because of a lot of things, but there is one particular thing, which they couldn't have more different, that makes them extraordinary. Albert thinks they connected perfectly since they met and that's why they are keeping their friendship; but Clancy is on the mind they had already connected perfectly even long time before they met and that's why they joined together. A small difference by which they have great talks, and perhaps it without which, who knows if they wouldn't have connected at all.

"Clancy and Albert" - an original sex story by  Mr.Öscar  - is licensed under

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