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" As you came you must go away "

We arrive at the theater and greet all our known people before occupy our sites; the same seat box for the last 8 years. I love coming to this theater. Music helps my relax. I'm always saying that when music starts, my mind becomes an ocean of serenity and I can feel free.


The previous moment until the concert is the worst of the night. I think it’s a pitiful circus in which we pretend everything is fine between us; just a false appearance to avoid spiteful rumors.


I wonder why we have to keep that lie. We both know our marriage is terminal from long time ago. We haven't fucked for ages and we have not talked to each other in months, I mean talk deeply, farther from plain daily banalities.


I think maybe it would be different if we had had children, but we both prefer be focused on our careers; in such a way that a lot of things have changed until today. And now I can´t held be with her, and even less going out together. 


Fortunately, I receive an incoming call in the midst of all this fake. I apologize for leave the unpleasant scene. I think if I attend this call quickly, I will have some time to go to the bar and take a drink which make me feel better.


It's only my general director weighing me down, once again, with the group of Swedish investors. I think he should set his balls over the desk and hit them with the sole of his Italian exclusive shoes. I think he is very boring. I pretend my phone has no range to get a rapid escape.


The announcing bell for the concert's beginning can't be long to sound. I go to the bar urged by the necessity for having a drink. Nobody but two women that I barely stop to look at when I arrive. I make a gesture which indicates what I want. The barman decodes it. I watch in detail the women while he serves my drink. I think they are an astonishing beauties; probably models who have come with some rich playboy. I think they have an amazing body, like a Classical sculpture hewed in stone, and they look elegantly both dresses and manners. I realize they are gazing at me. I feel my skill to flirt is currently useless. Feeble I search for a shelter. I take my drink in one gulp. I really needed it. I leave the glass over the bar again. I watch they are laughing in spite of they´re trying to conceal themselves and behave correctly. I find them fun. I make the same gesture to the barman for second time. I need one more drink before come back to the charade of there inside the hall.


I'm just about drinking my second scotch. One of the women approaches, her eyes on me.


 - Do you fancy seeing something?  - She says in a charming voice, perching intentionally her little soft manicured hand over mine. We in a short distance. I can see perfectly her shape. I think she is a really beautiful girl. I think wars have been declared because of a body like her. I can smell her enthralling perfume as well. I think she smells like a strawberry must do it at the top of a cold French champagne glass. I think I will be a devout of that perfume from now on.


I see her goes. She gathers with her partner without even let me enough time to process all just happened and to measure a right answer. They both together go crossing the corridor; launching me several burning gazes that mean follow us. They enter in what I guess is the toilet room. Yes, is the toilet room indeed.


The announcing bell of the concert's beginning is already sounding. I barely can hear it. I'm still bewildered by the most recent events. I realize I've not drunk my second scotch yet. The barman seems to keep doing his tasks. He seems to ignore everything beyond the bar.  The concert is almost beginning. I can hear the silence coming through the walls. I think surely my wife missed me. Yes, of course. I think I'm not more than a foolish that deceives himself If I really think that. Surely, she not even noticed I have gone out.


The bell is not sounding any more. I think the guest conductor must be about entering at the hall. I take my second scotch by a gulp again. I take a deep breath and start walking spurred by the claps of the audience from inside.


I walk in haste by the same path done by the stunning beauties before. I slant my brow towards the crimson color carpet. It prompts me to go ahead without looking back. I go in stampede with a herd of rebellious thoughts about what I may find behind that door.


My cock becomes so hard that almost bursts inside my trousers at the very second I come into the toilet room. Opposite me, I see they both beauties face to face; the girl whom spoke me before, tits uncovered, nipples pointing up. I see hands in low fly, I see lips kissing tender lips; I have died and they are the light at the end of the tunnel.


They stop to tell me:


 - You're nice. Come here, we would like to show you something. - Says the beautiful young lady who has come acting as the spokesperson.


They wait for my reaction. I see a flaming countenance of desire on their faces. I forsake all grief or negation which I had brought until here, bound by the sight of my eyes. I make them wait not longer. I join them after leave my shock by two strides. I kiss one of the girls. I kiss the other girl. We kissing. I watch them kissing. 


The silent girl, still dressed, gets on her knees to unfasten my trousers and starts sucking my cock with a great hunger. The uncovered tits girl and me, still kiss. I think she kisses very well. She has warm and plump lips. She does slither her tongue inside my mouth while groans sweetly. I bring my hands to her tits touching and pinching softly her nipples. I feel the heat of the girl´s mouth from below through my cock, which is more and more drooled by her spit. She grips my dick firmly and swallows it, slowing at the edge of her throat cliff. I haste a hand under the dress of the girl that my lips are whipping. I reach her pussy. I touch it and feel it. She is burning and her panties are soaked. She groans sweetly as I slid my fingers inside her flesh. I come my tongue even deeper into her throat. I could say I'm barely letting her breath, but I'm not afraid. She supports all my ardor. She even spurs me through her nimble movements.


The knelt girl knows what's next. She removes the panties in which dwelt the pussy where my fingers were embedded. She grabs my thick cock and brings it until the very wet pink entrance of her friend. I take one of her legs. I lift it up and with a determined thrust I start fucking her pussy as best as I can. The girl rounds my neck with her arms. Her hands on the base of my head. She leaves me enough space between us, so as to I can touch her tits with my free hand when it isn’t on her hips, giving a help to our pace.


The other girl, still knelt, enjoys watching close up how my hard cock is coming in and out into her friend's tight slot. I want to ask her If there arise smoke, because I feel my log aflame. Thinking it better I prefer be mute. She caresses my balls and her friend's clit unselfishly. I offer her my cock again. I don't want she feels demeaned. She does it come eagerly until the end of her throat and beyond, over and over in a feast which makes her quiver.


The other girl and I, are wriggling our tongues in smoldering kisses while we’re waiting to go on fucking. She aches for my cock. My explorer fingers discover her pulsing warm pussy flapping under a not written covenant that says my cock will come back soon to settle down into it.


The knelt girl fattening herself with my firm roll, lets it free and wholly drooled. She proceeds again with the same play as before, in order to soothe her peer’s desire. She leads my thick baton in front of the gushing door which I must cross. I'm sturdy, pierce her flesh with mine and start pumping again tons of hectic rivening pleasure for us.                                                                          

I feel her body shuddering. Moans sound each second more feverishly. She pounds her hips against mine with increasing pace. The girl who is knelt rubs her clit helping for her imminent orgasm. I feel her pussy is clenching. She holds tighter to my neck. She moves more heavily and her moans become louder and deeper. She burns in orgasm. Climax have arrived for her and mine will not take much time.


I show myself utterly excited. The girl who I fucked with, climbs down my body to joins her friend. I watch both girls on their knees sucking my hard cock. They take turns to bring it until the depth of their mouths, yearning for my juice. They make me cum. I explode. I see a white road drawn between my phallus and their faces. They both enjoy with my cream. They kiss and taste it without waste a drop.


 - As you came you must go away. I assume you don't want to miss the concert. - Says the young spokesperson lady.


I set my trousers and leave the girls behind, still playing with my sperm. I notice the door is unlocked when I'm going out the toilet room. I think, Oh! how lucky!


Nobody at the corridor. The barman keeps doing his stuff. The music is sounding. I enter at the seat box and reach my seat apologizing discretely people around. My wife looks at me. She does it as if this were the first time she realizes I had gone out.


I listen the music. Everything happened in the toilet room boils in my mind. Opposite my seat I reach to see the two girls entering at their seat box and they take seat. They look perfect, like nothing would have done. Terrific.


Two years have passed since that event. That night I asked for divorce to my wife and she agreed with me.


I've never seen again those stunning girls. I asked my theater's fellas but no one knows nothing about a couple of very beautiful girls from the seat box opposite ours, neither whatever other seat box of the theater. The barman. He not remembers anything. I tried him with a 50 bill first and later with a 100 bill, but nothing.


I don't know from where they came even lesser to where they gone. I think about them every day. I think about the whole passion untied by us in that toilet room. I'm absolutely thankful for them. They opened my mind and did pressure onto the side of my life's scale for a new beginning, it making I could feel again the true happiness. And thus, I've been able to get younger, at least, 10 years.


Everything is owed by me to that couple of stunning beauties whom appeared that day as fallen from Heaven, to rescue my wretched heart without even permit me that I missed the concert.


 A concert which, by the way, I remember was awesome. 14 minutes ovation.

"As you came you must go away" - an original sex story by  Mr.Öscar   - is licensed under

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