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" Balthasar Stilton's favorite adventure "

At the end of the XIX Century and the beginning of the XX Century, we the explorers lived our golden age. Until the World War I, dozens of women and men from all around the world went on board one of the hundreds dangerous expeditions to discover old civilizations and new knowledge in the most hidden places inside the jungle.


Knowledge in biology grew multiplying itself by ten with each explorer who endured and came back to share his discoveries. We were treated as heroes; journalists yearned for being the first having our stories. Hundreds of books were buying daily with the descriptions of those outstanding places and the wild fauna which there were living.


Those who were able to get the proper adaptation for the hard conditions that to live there required, we loved the jungle. Many of ours, being sick of the city life, decided never come back when they were accepted and integrated inside an indigenous tribe, as one more of them.


We experienced amazing things, some of them made us approach to the death, in a kind of way that just listening how it happened makes quiver who pays attention. Also, we experienced wonderful things, so wonderful that it could seem just one mad’s fantasy.


Between mine, my favorite is one which I never used to tell. It happened in the Amazon jungle, when I discovered the “Nuntanppaninghen” tribe. This was a very gentle tribe which adored butterflies above everything. I spent several weeks with them, filling my diary book with his habits, traditions and legends.


One of the legends they told me was “The legend of the butterfly woman”, which said like this:


“A long time ago, the tribe’s High Chief being the great Tommuppoukinho, wanted to give to his wife the most special birthday present that she never had. Then, he thought about asking Gods for the most beautiful butterfly which no women and no men had ever seen. Thus, he ordered the Chaman to speak to Gods in order to they send this butterfly.


Gods listened to the Chaman and sent the most beautiful butterfly which no women and no men had ever seen.


The birthday day arrived and the High Chief gave his wife the present. The High Chief’s wife liked a lot the butterfly and she thought it was the most beautiful one which no women and no men had ever seen. But she became sad when she realized how weak its wings were, since they were like any other butterfly’s.


This matter didn’t like at all to the High Chief and asked the Chaman for speaking again with Gods to try they improve this of the butterfly. The Chaman spoke with Gods and they, in reply, asked the Chaman about the High Chief’s wife likes. He did not know what, and decided spying her to find the answer for gods.


That night, the chief couple was fucking in their hut, while the Chaman was spying them. The Chaman realized how the woman was enjoying, and the satisfaction that finally she felt when she made the High Chief cum in her mouth and she drank all his load.


The Chaman went in a haste to speak with Gods to tell them that, such thing that he had seen was what the High Chief’s wife liked.


Then, Gods gave to the butterfly the feature of become a woman when its wings were damaged, so that they would be repaired once she found a man who made her enjoy until the ecstasy, and then, he gave her his cum to drink.


The Chaman took the butterfly before the High Chief and told him about this new feature. But the High Chief didn´t like this at all, because he thought it was a very advanced thing. Finally, he ordered the Chaman to get rid of the butterfly, and he solved the matter of his wife’s present with a beautiful earrings.


The Chaman escorted by two of his disciples came into the deep jungle to send back the butterfly to gods; but a sudden trance blocked the Chaman, it letting the young disciples check how the new butterfly’s feature worked. They rubbed the butterfly’s wings, and magically, it transformed itself in a gorgeous woman with beautiful tits and statuesque body.


The three made an amazing threesome that was celebrated even with thrilled applauses by gorillas and chimpanzees from the top of the trees. This became the disciples tired and both fell asleep. Therefore, the woman, having drunk the load of the two young, became butterfly again and with her wings repaired, she escaped”. 


Still then in the tribe, it was springing stories about somebody who came with a big smile on the face, because he had met a beautiful woman in the jungle who had become butterfly after drinking his cum.


This tale hit me, and during my stay in the village I kept my eyes wide open when I was inside the jungle, looking for that beautiful woman who was yearning my load. But it never happened, although I could write in my diary book that two men of the village had had an encounter with this magical creature; a fact which caused me great envy and pushed me to go away from the village a bit disappointed, because I started to believe that they just were kidding me.


All the tribe gathered in the center of the village to say me goodbye; everybody dressed with their in-honor-to-the-butterflies flashy colors party clothes. It was a very pretty event which made cry many of who were there. They danced and sang traditional songs for blessing who have to depart, and I departed.


A few hours later, I stopped to take a rest in a little crest of rocks which stood out from the ground. There was nearby a stream and the vegetation was not too much dense, being perfect to watch if some wild dangerous animal was approaching me. I filled up my canteen and ate a bite of my food to reload my energies. 


When I considered that I was ready to go ahead, I started to burden myself with my stuff, and it was, at that point, when I realized that I had put accidentally my jacket right over a beautiful butterfly, which once freed from the trap, was moving uselessly its wings trying to escape. 


I had my eyes fixed on it while I was desiring to watch it rose and flying around me; but what I really saw was, how from the butterfly, a small bright light started to grow, turning the little insect in a beautiful and gorgeous woman. My eyes and mouth widely opened and I couldn’t believe it; it was the butterfly woman and her attitude to me became totally sexual soon.


Her lips joined mine, and I, who was tense and rigid like a stone, barely could make a movement. It was hard for me to recover the control of my body, but when I did it, my lips started to give back the same affection that hers were giving me. 


My hands started to slide along her body, which had an amazing skin of silk. I focused myself on pinching her nipples until they became hard and sharp; our tongues entangled each other and our kisses were lighting inside of me a fire which was making grow my cock. 


Between us did not exist anymore an inch of air; I was being in charge of destroy it, but if it arose, I pulled her body to mine with my hands grabbing her round buttocks, and tightening her pubic area against my crotch, making she issuing a sweet moan. 


The flavor of her saliva was sweet and fruity, like if that morning she would have been feeding herself with sage from the jungle. The same flavor that her skin had too. I enjoyed licking her neck and going down with my tongue by her chest, tasting that flesh and sucking her nipples, as I was trying to get some juice from them. That flavor was getting me drunk and I started to manage her softly, so that I could free my passion out through her body.


I brought my hand to her twat and I discovered it warm and wet. I put in it a couple of fingers which came out all glazed by her juice. I brought them to my mouth to taste its flavor; I had never tasted a thing so delicious like that, and I nevermore would taste a thing like that. It was like the very juice of the blossom or the blood of the fruit; a sweet sage which was flowing in her inside and where I was going to find the source of life.


We both was enjoying with the delight of her sex. She was groaning as my fingers were finding good shelter in her pussy. She was a blast of sex energy that was going transferring to me, as she was unfastening my trousers and was setting free my big hard cock. Her soft and delicate hands started to stroke it, and our eyes joined each other as preamble of our mouths joined again through hot kisses. 


The sun in the sky was going by his path to the highest point and we at the ground were going by our path to the realm of pleasure. Her pussy was completely wet; drops were running by her legs down when I wasn’t able to take and bring them to my mouth or hers; since she liked as much as me taste that sweet juice from my fingers. I was putting them into her mouth and I could come them in until the end of her throat, so that I was provoking her a crazy drive which used to end, she sucking my fingers, almost until make all my hand come into her mouth. 


I was ready to bring her to the real temple of the ecstasy of the flesh and she was ready to go too. I could figure it out easily through her eyes, her breathe rhythm and the fact of that she brought my dick to her little pink entrance and that she had pushed me to come in. 


We started fucking face to face. She was groaning and holding herself to my body for keeping the standing posture. I was coming in with my dick into her pussy as straight as I could. My beats were supported by her agility and flexibility, which were determining to get a well pace that satisfied us.


We were fucking like two wild animals in the mating season. The sounds from the jungle were escorting our moans with the flapping sound that were making our bodies in collide, as I was piercing her with my sturdy and veined cock. We were moving nimbly ourselves to keep a flow of strikes gentle and continuous, although it was a little slow; we would get tired quickly, if we had kept fucking that way and also, we would get an orgasm with difficulty. So, I pushed her to change the position.


I guided her to be placed facing her back, such a way she could support herself on a nearby tree and I had better access to her burning pussy of candy. It resulted that we got better and more comfortable movements, and I started to fuck her from her back rawly and wildly, as she was groaning and was turning me more on with movements and gazes which from time to time, she was throwing to me. I could see on her eyes the pleasure that she felt, and I could see as well the passionate yearning that was burning inside her, which was demanding me to do not stop. 


She really was enjoying fucking with me. I was feeling her tight pussy each time wetter. I was dominating her body with my hands on her waist, pulling her body to me so that I could come deeper with each beat. My cock was coming out from her pussy smeared with a sparkling overlay with mango smell, which was coming to my nose, beguiling me. I knew that I was in the jungle, but it was the first time I felt the paradise so close to me.


I was making her moaning and rising her pleasure to the limit which was compelling her to grab the tree crust and let herself be taken by me. I gave her all what she wanted; a strong dose of tail, worthy of all a young and athlete man of my age by those times. 


I started to feel her pussy getting tighter as her movements were becoming more electric and wilder. The juice from her pussy increased its flow quickly, and she started rubbing her clit to reach an orgasm. Her moans were louder than never and she, who was being completely delivered to the ecstasy of the flesh, was beating rudely her body against mine, focusing on the right point of our sex for squeezing her pleasure until the top. 


I was stunned by the intense fierceness of her reaction due to the orgasm. She was groaning with a voice which came into my ears sweet and thin, at the same time that she was moving wildly though softly, like a butterfly that is flying around the air with a dance marked by the flap of its wings; it lifting up and it falling, without stopping and never soaring. 


She was a being dismantled by the pleasure, and then, when she was able to assemble again all what had been dismantled, she got on her knees to start sucking my cock. Of course, I did show none kind of resistance; I allowed her self-serving with my branch as much as she wanted. 


I was starting to feel my pleasure reaching the valley of the enjoyment, and as soon as she was engulfing my cock until the very end of her throat and she was stroking it, the steps I was moving forward with were going getting more power, until I reached definitely it. 


She was stroking it and pointing with my foreskin to her mouth when I bursted in orgasm and my cock pumped the hot milky cream to the outside. That was the dessert for the feast that she had been giving herself with my cock. She opened her mouth and without waste a drop, she made settle the whole load inside, and once all my nectar was sprung and my highest pleasure vanished like the sound of a carriage which is moving away, she drank it all with a glid in her eyes which was like a couple of stars brighting in the darkest sky.


A brief while later, I still being with my trousers down; the same magical light which made she become that beautiful woman, made she become butterfly again. A process of only a few seconds which left me alone in the jungle, watching the beautiful butterfly flying around as a result. I took my note book and wrote all happened and made a draw of the butterfly and the woman. Then, I grabbed my things and did part to face the route for backing home.


Three days walking among trees and heavy vegetation, two days waiting for a ship and 21 days of voyage after, I reached finally the London’s harbor, where a small crowd of journalists and friends were waiting for giving me a great welcome.


I told my nearest colleagues everything happened, but they didn´t pay credit to my story from the very beginning. They attributed it to an hallucination due to a tropical fever or intoxication from the water or food. Some of them recommended me to not tell it to the audience. Others, would accuse me of insane and would threaten with fight against me in a court until see me confined in a mental institution, if I published the story.


It was very unpleasant; I started to feel homesick of the jungle soon, but I never could come back anymore, because in spite of I didn’t tell the story to the audience, I got nevermore funds for another expedition.


Little by little, my colleagues started to reject me. I was noting that they whispering in my presence and some rumors about my mental health, which weren't nice, reached me. 


Then, I decided it was time for my retirement and I started to collect stamps to fill the big hole in my soul left by the jungle. I had a great number of them, getting the most important collection of the region. Besides, it was very well-known all around the country by a special series of stamps with butterflies which obtained a lot of awards and mentions.


I never came back to the jungle, however, I was able to cope it, because in a certain way, I never came back to the city neither.

"Balthasar Stilton's favorite story" - an original sex story by  Mr.Öscar  - is licensed under

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