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Operation  Wild  Tenderness

My name is “Strawberry cheesecake ice-cream" and I'm a special agent.


I was recruited when I was at university. At that time, I was flying from flower to flower like a bee. I was enjoying every day knowing new boys and girls. I never had a long relationship with any of them, but I do have a special memory from a beautiful girl whom I had sex several times with, that she used to say me: 


 - “Honey, a woman can get whatever she wants, but a gorgeous woman like you, can get even impossible things”. 


I don’t know if she was aware of the whole meaning of those words, but according to this reflection and watching my record, I can say that I must be really a gorgeous woman. I’ve always achieved the goals of my missions and I have never failed in spite of how much hard the target had been. That´s why I´m one of Mr.Öscar’s favorite girls. 


Mr.Öscar is whom devises plans, deeds and gadgets. He is a weird guy. I would say, he is too much proper for to be a freaky, however too much eccentric for to be common. To meet him is really difficult. He is always planning the next mission or watching black and white films or listening classical music alone at his den. But, he usually manages to find a while to pay us, his crew, all his attention.


Once we are recruited by him, before send us to the first mission, all the future agents are brought to a training center where we are taught in subjects like: art of seduction, infiltration, spying, Kung-fu, Kamasutra, languages, etcetera.


We do a great toil for months to become a perfect sexy agent for the world’s security service. Besides, better for us to learn as much as better, because if we are captured in the line of duty, nobody would demand us, even our existence will be rejected.


I love my job. I’ve traveled all around the world. I’ve shared table with the most important leaders from the most important countries of the world. I’ve been decisive about things related with the world order more than once. I’ve endured extreme dangers and lived romantic, although brief love stories in the most wonderful places that one could imagine. So, if it weren’t because I may die in each mission, I would say I have lived a life like a true princess’ life. 


Today, I have been destined for a new mission. I must steal all data from the Turkish ambassador’s computer. I will have to infiltrate myself at his mansion placed in London during a cocktail party, to find and beguile the ambassador, fuck with him, get the data from his computer and scape discreetly.


I’ll not use guns or bombs. Instead of that, I’ll bring a secret weapon designed by Mr.Öscar, called “The magic secret”. This is an ointment for pussies whose power is harmless for me but lethal for whom put his cock into my little slot; I mean not lethal until death but to knock out through a deep sleep, it leaving me enough time to complete my mission. 


I feel no fear in spite of the risk. So, quiet and calm, here I go. 



16.00 Zulu time: 

At the hotel, I’m in lingerie making up myself appropriately. Mr.Öscar sent me for the occasion, a beautiful tight blue dress which remarks my curves in order to leave the ambassador out of breath at his first gaze into me.


Before get dressed, I smear the walls of within my pussy with “The magic secret”, sliding eagerly my fingers. I hope this be as magic as secret because my life and above all, the mission’s success depends on this sort of grease. It’s not that I do have a doubt about him, it´s only that I´m amazed by Mr.Öscar´s always surprisingly imagination. 



17.30 Zulu time: 

I’m ready, once extinct the fire caused by the softness of my intimate flesh covered by the ointment in addition to a warming effect suddenly appeared, which driving me unexpectedly to masturbate myself. A secondary effect that almost makes me be late, because Mr.Öscar omitted it at the information leaflet.


The mission report says my target is a famous playboy. So, I decided to use a vivid red color for my fleshy lips, setting a lush bait at the hook. He must want to kiss me at first sight, and I like how this color makes my lips look very attractive. For my eyes, this time, I decided to use a black eye-liner for drawing a stylish black line over the eaves of my eyelids; and with a touch of a good mascara, I’ve got a wild burning gaze.


Men usually fall in love with me by this reason; lesson number one of Mr.Öscar’s guide of seduction: The piercing power of a burning gaze. I got an A+++ at this part, besides, my French teacher, the first time I tested it with a man, asked me for, as his words were: “leave everything and scape together far away from this nonsense society”. Amazing, I know it. I couldn’t believe it.


So, ready and full of energy, I go out the room and take the elevator until the hall. According to the plan, a limousine must be waiting for me at the main entrance. 



17.33 Zulu time: 

A man inside the elevator keeps his eyes on me; this is the proof which confirms my look is impressive and it’s my chance to warm up my skills of seduction. I gaze at him as well, drawing a weak smile on my face until he starts: 


 - Excuse me miss, may I ask you what is your name? - 


I love how much polite the British can be, but the elevator arrives and its doors are opening. So, I bow at him with an approving gaze and without say a word, glorious I leave the elevator. Sometimes, be remote is the best ally for seduction.

Besides, I’m going late; I have to save the world. 



17.36 Zulu time: 

The limousine is at the main entrance. The driver is waiting to open the door for me. He wears a dark uniform with hat and gloves. He looks very attractive. 


During the travel he gazes at me through the mirror all the time. He is a young boy. I reach to see a lump on his trousers and that makes me laugh. I ask him for looking at the road. I guess he is a rookie and I finish pushing the button which lifts up the partition between us. 



18.30 Zulu time: 

I arrive at the mansion showing my false accreditation joined my false identification so that I can come in. Mr.Öscar achieved put this identity in the guest list, thanks to his link in the embassy. Supposedly I’m a saleswoman of a Danish company from the media. I bring the role quite learnt. 


The hall is big, all decorated with a classic style and is plenty of people. I start searching my target as men’s inquisitive eyes are addressed to me. Some of them approach to gain politely my greeting. My look is amazingly sexy. I figure it out through the faces of envy by the others young women at the hall. 


I must find the ambassador as quickly as possible, before suspicions be arisen by my presence as a beautiful alone woman who nobody knows. 



18.37 Zulu time: 

I localize my target after moving around the whole hall and after dodging several men that wanted to speak with me. He is gathered with another gentlemen in a small group near one of the several doors to access to the garden. 


Using advantageously my information about his weakness for women, I walk facing him from the distance, making my hips swing side to side in an almost obscene way. I want to grab his attention before arriving him, and as a master that waits the dog come when she calls it, I want he comes to me. If this plan works, I’ll have a great opportunity to gain easily his confidence; If it doesn’t work, I’ll have to improvise something like pretend I’m a friend that he has not seen for a long time or something like that which could shook him and make harder my goal. 


Luckily it works and when I’m about arriving, the ambassador attracted and interested by my charm, apologizes for leaving his small band and gathers submissive with me. 



18.52 Zulu time: 

The ambassador is a handsome and strong man. He is on his late 40. He has a look savage, with long black hair and a bit of beard. He seems a prince of desert left from a fantasy tale. 


We drink a couple of cocktails and speak friendly after introducing ourselves. I don’t know whether these drinks have alcohol or not, but there is something which stimulates me to go forth. Maybe, it is because of a true attraction to that man, his accent and his way to express himself the reason why I start feeling that way; but I’m not worry about it at all; it wouldn’t be the first time I have to stare at the eyes of the snake in a mission. 


I talk with him about some topics I learned for my role; all related to the media’s world. How and who support them, the influence of politic parties, new talents and old glories, the future of media; things like that, which he listens very carefully. 


He makes me feel confident and comfortable with our conversation. So much, that I forget people around us. But I must come into the action. I have to increase the level of my seduction offensive in order to a desire of me grows out of control within him. So, I deploy an arsenal of sensual weapons starting with circling softly the top of my glass with the tip of my fingers, and touching his knee with mine when there’s a chance. All of it, while I eat him with my gaze and I laugh sweetly his jokes; pushing him, little by little, down to my trap. 



19.11 Zulu time: 

My assault works and I go forth to my goal, although his artillery is more accurate than what I thought, and when the space between us is shortened, I start feeling my heart beating faster. 


Suddenly, I longing his skin near mine without obstacles midst us. I’m feeling beguiled by his hands and his arms, which seem powerful through his suit. I want to be rounded by them and kissed by his lips, whence comes to me a lofty fragrance which entangle up my senses and hit my defenses. 


 - Would you like to see the rest of the mansion? - He finally asks me when our conversation is flowing more than ever. 


 - Yes, I’d love it. Actually, I wonder how is the place where the ambassador sleeps . - I answer armed with cat eyes, becoming him a paltry trapped little mouse. 


 - OK. Let’s go. I’ll show you it. - He said offering me his arm. 


My spider web has been accurate once again, although I need a recount of casualties to analyze the situation and strengthen the most punished points of my borders. 



19.23 Zulu time: 

We both arm in arm go upstairs slowly, rung by rung. I realize the big size of his arm when my hand barely can grab it. During the path our conversation don’t stop even for a second. We walk along a wide corridor decorated with interesting paintings and vases over pieces of furniture which seems antique, until we reach a door that he opens. He leads me to come showing me the way through his hand. It is his bedroom and I cross the door’s threshold soaring a couple of inches above the floor, because I know that once we were inside, he will be all mine. 



19.27 Zulu time: 

We kiss in a smoldering way. I’m sunk between his chest and his arms, moaning and delivering myself to him. My vulnerable body is invaded by his hands before the alarm signal that I do nimbly make out with my passion. He doesn’t look for prisoners, he wants an utterly surrender with support of my army to his. And so, I defeated by his keen caresses and warm kisses, do clear the ground by where he will celebrate his triumph parade, I undressing myself. 


He watches avid my figure unknowing the secret weapon I hide between my thighs, if my pussy juice didn’t make it drain out until my little thong, that now lies on the floor, far away from the battle. 


I help him to set out his blazer before pushing him to the bed and get on my knees to make him a blowjob. Very gentle he gets me a cushion to place under my knees. I delight myself sucking his cock, which I discovered huge when I put down his trousers. A heatwave shakes my mind as I coming it until the very end of my throat, over and over. I heard him groaning and that turns me much more on. 


He puts one hand on the base of my head in order to I do come it a little more deeply and I quiver. I feel a burning craving of keep swallowing his great piece of flesh as I see him enjoying. I would touch my pussy but I’m afraid about “The magic secret” be damaged, so, I squeeze my breast and pinch my nipples. 


After my great blowjob I’m completely wet. The temperature of the room has risen considerably, causing our bodies, they lubricated by the sweat, slide when I move along his muscled body, marking with kisses the most beautiful conquered places. Until I reach the hill of his mouth. I close my eyes bewitched by the soft way he kisses. 


He puts his hard cock into my tight pussy, which barely can give it a shelter and I suffer a discharge of adrenaline which makes me moan loudly. I ride his lush cock like a cowgirl, with a pace which allow us to lengthen this moment enough time to get a really good memory for each one. Besides, I’m not pretty sure right now, how much time his cock must be inside my pussy to obtain a successful result from “The magic secret”, so I take it easy and enjoy as much as possible fucking with my fellow, the handsome Turkish ambassador and his huge cock. 



19.44 Zulu time: 

The first symptoms of “The magic secret” appear and my lover sometimes loses the pace of his movements; but I’m almost reaching the orgasm and I won’t let it be spoiled. Then, I start a pitiless race to the golden place with an increase of my ardor. I ride and ride, feeling his dick coming in and coming out my pussy, which is already not more than a pink glazed aspic that engulfs eagerly his sturdy log. 


He begs me please not stop, and unbridled and welcoming I heed and do as his yearning. Thus, I loose the pleasure’s reins and my hips become completely wild in an outburst of lust which wraps us together in its flames, until I achieve my orgasm and I announce it among in ecstasy groans and squirting a bit of juice over his body. 



19.46 Zulu time: 

Now, I want he cum, and although he seems each time more struck by the effects of “The magic secret”, his cock is still hard and huge. I suck it ferociously boosting his orgasm arrives before he fall asleep. I want to savor his juice in my mouth and I do my best to get his cum. 


I fill my mouth with his cock as we both are moaning desperately. Finally, his cock starts beating and after a few strokes, his load is flung over my tongue as his moans are going from the highest point until becoming just only babbling, because he is already nearly to be completely overcome by the sleepiness. 


I play with his cum and his cock together in my mouth, meanwhile he finishes getting completely knocked out. His sage is sweet and warm and I rejoice myself with it, as I watch him switching off and getting asleep so tenderly, just like a baby.



19.48 Zulu time: 

“The magic secret” has worked perfectly. The ambassador is already out of combat. Now, I must hook an USB on his computer. I looking for my shoes, which hide in one of their heels a memory device; another gadget designed by Mr.Öscar. I insert the USB in the computer and push the button which triggers a fast data copy in haste to complete the mission. I get dress and fix my hair and make-up too. It is very damaged but I manage to make it look perfect again. The light of the device changes from red to green, what means data has been copied successfully. I hide it again into the heel of my shoe and I put it on my foot, to be ready to go out. 


At the bedroom’s door I save in my memory an image of the place, specially of the handsome ambassador to say him good bye, and I go out quietly from the bedroom. 



19.58 Zulu time: 

I go downstairs and go forward to leave the mansion. I have to dodge again several men that want to speak with me, when they see me alone at the way back among the hall until the main door. 


Outside must be the limousine waiting for me, since it was accorded for the scape plan the time to my removal at 20.00 Zulu time. 



20.02 Zulu time: 

I’m in the limousine on the way to the airport. There, I will take a private jet and later, I’ll gather with Mr.Öscar at his den to deliver him personally the USB. 


The driver smiles at me through the mirror and I’m pleased and happy to see him again. I smile at him back and wink at him. 


This has been another exciting mission accomplished by “Strawberry cheesecake ice-cream" for Mr.Öscar’s agency.

"Operation Wild Tenderness" - an original sex story by  Mr.Öscar  - is licensed under

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